Archive for the ‘Locks’ Category

Miniature Roman golden lock measures just 11 by 12 mm

Wednesday, February 26th, 2025

On November 14th 2024, the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL) at Münster presented a tiny golden lock from around the year 400 (1600 years ago). This news was published on the 28th of January by the LWL, and widely shared. Most articles written on the topic used the smallest version of the photos they could find, and glanced over the details. We chose to write this article after re-discovering the original article and studying the inner workings of the lock.
Feel free to check out the original article, first. The article has loads more details on the history, as well as videos of the CT scan and the working principle of the 4x model:

This is the lock itself on a black background. The Lock is 11 mm by 12mm in size. DKZ 3619,0094:109 – Fundnr. 15. Photo copyright: LWL /S. Brentführer

While it doesn’t look too special at first glance, this lock is s quite an engineering marvel. At just 11 mm high with a diameter of 12 mm, it’s tiny. The engineering is quite similar to engineering in horology and takes incredible skill to make something like this today, let alone with the tools from 1600 years ago.

The lock looks great from the outside, but to really, appreciate the complexity. We will have to look at the Neutron tomography CT-scan the researchers created. The images may not look like much to the untrained eye, but the researchers published the post-processed images to show the specific parts.

CT-scan (Neutron tomography) of the lock revealed the inner workings of the lock.
Photo copyright: Paul-Scherrer-Institut/Villigen [CH]/ David Mannes

The next image is the processed CT-scan where specific parts are colored. The article gives the following explanation: frame with spring (red), bolt (blue), broken bolt (?) (yellow), piece of the key (green), baseplate (purple) and inserted chain link (orange). The original article provides a video of the CT-scan as well. The video is in the attachments to the original article, with the name: “Anlage 1: Dosenschloss_Neutronen_CT_Animation.avi”.

This image shows four views of the processed CT-scan. Three side views and one top view.
Photo copyright: Paul-Scherrer-Institut/Villigen (Schweiz)/David Mannes; Montage: LWL/Corinna Hildebrand

With the information from the CT-scan, Stefan Brentführer set out to make a functioning replica. He chose to make the replica larger, likely to better show how the lock works, as well as it is easier to work on larger parts. This exploded view is quite well done, but it doesn’t show clearly how the parts fit together. If you are up to the task, take a moment to puzzle to see how these pieces fit together.

Replica of the lock at a 4:1 scale. DKZ 3619,0094:109 – Fundnr. 15.
Photo copyright: LWL /Stefan Brentführer

While locks which require a rotational motion to open can only be opened in either clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation, this lock operates clockwise, as do most locks in use today. Does someone know examples of counter-clockwise operating locks from 1600 years ago?

I’ve puzzled that the steel piece in the middle fits upright and horizontal on the round backplate. It has a matching piece which fits the rectangle hole. This leaves a square opening for the square linkage. The second diagonal rectangle hole is for the round post. (Yes, this tiny lock has a pipe key!) The cutout on the key corresponds to the bridge on the middle plate. From there it got confusing, and where I got some help. The bolt fits under the bridge into a barely visible rectangle hole to the top left next to the spring.

Single frame from the video demonstrating the workings of the lock.
Photo copyright: LWL /Stefan Brentführer

The lock’s operating is rather clever as it reuses the spring to keep the bolt in place in either positions. With the bolt closed and the key rotating in the clockwise direction, the fat bit of the key pushing down the spring that traps the bolt in the locked position. The triangle tip of the key perfectly fits the triangle cutout on the bolt. The bolt is moved on top of the spring, while the key holds the spring down. The closing operation is identical, but in reverse. Stefan Brentführer made a video of the operation and added it to the original article under “Anlage 2: Dosenschloss_Rekonstruktion_Schliessvorgang.MP4”.

Toool didn’t have a role in the research, but we believe these moments should be chearished and the news shared widely. My contribution, beside this blog, was the work to demonstrate how small the lock really is. I’ve made a mock-up of the lock in OpenSCAD and printed a copy with an FFF 3D printer. The files are attached, in case you are curious or want to print your own.

3D printed mock-up of the lock in purple filament on top of a cabinet lock with very much the same mechanism but designed as a mass-produced low security product. CCBY4.0 Jan-Willem Markus. Toool Blackbag.

Nigel from Toool UK went a different route, and chose to model the mechanism in a 3D CAD program, with great result!

A 3D render of Nigels model. Photo copyright Nigel K. Tolley. Toool UK.

The photos in this post are mostly from LWL /S. Brentführer. They kindly give permission to share the pictures in the context of the finding. The article is the creative work of Jan-Willem Markus. This text is copyright CCBY4.0 Toool Blackbag.

Toool NL competition 2024 – analysis

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

The 19th Toool NL competition is concluded ( The Toool members worked on lockpicking a set of 27 locks over a period of one year, and registered the quickest opening times. The full competition details can be found on

Before we started picking, Walter asked the Toool members to make a guess on the best opening times for each lock. With this data he expected to see which locks are perceived to be difficult, but were not, or vice versa. Four lockpickers made their guess, and we analyzed the data.

Please note, the final opening times are heavily skewed in favor of short opening times, as the locks are picked several times at the Toool meetups and only the lowest time counts. A lock may be opened in 15 minutes during the first attempt, but during several meetups the final opening time can be reduced to five seconds. Many of the locks in the competitions are perfectly suitable locks, and us opening a similar lock in five seconds, shouldn’t be the reason to replace yours.

We found this data isn’t easy to visualize in a single graph, as each lock is unique. We chose to break down the analysis results and report on the five most underestimated locks and the five most overestimated locks.

CylinderBrandFastestLockpicker 1Lockpicker 2Lockpicker 3Lockpicker 4
T1906Abus E6066.5074.00630.005.0020.00
T1915Mul-T-Lock Classic216.04360.00312.00120.0045.00
Underestimated locks from the Toool NL competition 2024
CylinderBrandFastestLockpicker 1Lockpicker 2Lockpicker 3Lockpicker 4
T1913DOM iX 5KG47.41240.00985.00120.00200.00
T1918ASSA 5005.00120.00610.00180.0045.00
T1919Best SFIC5.00240.00558.00180.0020.00
T1926Medeco Biaxial5.00132.00121.00600.00180.00
Overestimated locks from the Toool NL competition 2024

It is quite interesting that only a few locks were underestimated, while most locks were overestimated. Several of the underestimated locks have a tight keyway, but this in itself is not a guarantee for the lock to be difficult. For example, it’s common for the old Evva to be full of standard pins. The biggest surprice is the Sargent lock, which is much better quality than they are usually given credit for.

On the overestimated side, we have locks which are usually quite secure. The Medeco has good tolerances, and the SFIC rely heavily on their double shearline for security. While the Assa 500 and DOM IX are well-made locks from Europe. However, with the right tools and techniques, they just opened without too much difficulty. (The Medeco was raked several times.)

This analysis and report may not have solved the mystery of why some locks are easy, and other locks are difficult, but it was interesting to analyze these nonetheless. We will not take guesses for the 20th Toool competition, but do take a look. We chose to save all the keys of this new competition, which enables us to see if the bitting is what makes the difference after the competition concludes.

The LockCon LockQuiz

Friday, November 1st, 2024

For this years’ LockCon, I decided to not do a lecture about a lock-related subject, but to organise a lock-themed pubquiz, the “LockQuiz”. I like the old-skool quizzen where you work together in teams and write down your answers on paper. Modern app-based quizzen have their own charm, but that was not what I was going for. When I play a quiz, I like questions where teamwork leads to the correct answer.

So I went about to see if I could come up with enough locksport-related questions and categories. I ended up with 68 questions in 6 rounds. In round 1, I showed lock cylinders and padlocks, with the brand name removed and the teams had to tell the brand. In round 2, lock-related books were shown, with one word (partially) blurred, the question was what the word was. Round 3 was another picture round with pictures of tools, where the question was which toolmaker the tool was from. After a small break, we continued with round 4, in which I asked for names of movies in which something lock(picking) related was shown. Round 5 showed keyways, asking for the brand and model, and round 6 was a music round, showing clips that had something to do with locks as well. Requested was the name of the artist.

I got very good feedback and everybody seemed to really enjoy the quiz. I have made generic pubquizzes before and know that the biggest pitfall is to make them too hard, which is no fun for the people doing the quiz. That is why I included answer sheets for the (rather difficult) movie and music rounds, that showed the number of letters in the answer and also had some letters filled out in advance.

The quiz had a clear winner, which was good, as I had not thought of a tie-breaker question. In the end, 77% of the questions were answered correctly, which is wonderful, as that was what I sort of aimed for, but it was hard for me to know how difficult it would be in advance. The lock brands round turned out to be the easiest, the music round the hardest, but even that round had 74% correct answers, thanks to the answer sheets.

If anybody wants me to do the quiz elsewhere, contact me. Obviously, the people at LockCon already know the answers. Or, if you have suggestions for other topics for rounds, or questions, I’d be interested in those as well. And finally, if you’ve made pictures of me presenting, I’d love to have a copy as well.

And again, congratulations to Team Baguette, who won!


Impressioning a Porsche 356 gear shift lock

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

I don’t consider myself much of a car person, but this Porsche 356 from the 1960’s is a work of art. The owner imported it from the US, and a keyless gear shift lock was added in the sale. The current owner had almost given up the hope of finding a working key for it, when he read about Toool in an old Quest magazine.

The gear stick with the lock to the right

Learning of a community of lock enthusiasts, he contacted us hoping we might have a solution for his problem, and luckily we did. I immediately thought of impressioning a key for the lock. After emailing back and forth a bit, the owner ordered blank keys and arranged for him to visit me after they got in from the UK.

The lock cylinder. Note two screws: one in the middle to hold the plug, and a longer one in the back used to install the cylinder

A couple of weeks later, after the blanks arrived, we arranged to meet and impression some keys. This was the first time I saw the cylinder, and I was surprised to find out it was a five pin cylinder and not a wafer lock as I expected from a car lock. The blanks were from Ilco, DM2, and brass.

Your’s truly at work

Impressioning was pretty straightforward, but I did encounter some interesting things:

  • Impressioning a used, old lock has it’s own challenges. Wear and dirt made getting marks take a bit more time. It felt dampened and “muddy” (for lack of a better word);
  • The brass used for the blanks was very soft. I was afraid to use a lot of force, because I didn’t want to unnecessarily break the few blanks I had;

Luckily I didn’t break any blanks. I took my time checking marks, only filed when I was certain there was a mark (as I know I should always do, but sometimes forget in the heat of the moment). Then after about half an hour the key suddenly turned. But only once, I couldn’t reopen the lock with it. Closer inspection showed two deep craters on 1 and 4. Slightly filing those down left us with a smooth working key. Beforehand I had warned the owner that the process might take a while and multiple tries, so we were both surprised and very happy with this swift success.

The end result

I really enjoyed doing this project. Not only did I get to practice my impressioning, but we also had a nice conversation about how much fun it can be when different hobbies suddenly overlap. Lately I have realized this is one of the things that keeps me going back to the locksport community: meeting people from all walks of life and discovering there’s always something connecting us.


Hackerhotel 2024: Safe cracking workshop

Friday, February 16th, 2024

Hugo and I taught Safe cracking to a group of eleven at Hackerhotel 2024. It was great sharing the knowledge and inspiring others. Much respect goes to the attendees, which after a busy conference still had energy to take on this mighty challenge.

Every training needs to start with a good basis. We started with an introduction on what safe locks are about and how they operate, specifically group two safe combination locks. From there, we built knowledge from practical examples and exercises. From simply operating the safe lock by dialing 4L-3R-2L-1R with a known combination, to exploring contact points and graphing.

For this two-hour session, we worked with locks of known combination, and usually only get to complete one and a half graphs in this time. Around six graphs were completed in total, and some even finished all three graphs within the session.

While any training is mostly satisfying a curiosity, we expect this training gave the attendees enough knowledge to give it a try on their own later. Maybe even getting obsessed about it in the process 🙂

CCBY4.0 Jan-Willem Markus Toool Blackbag

Challenge completed!

Friday, February 2nd, 2024

Walter and Jan-Willem successfully completed the UKLS January challenge, and like to share the lessons learned as well as show off the 31 locks. The challenge is to open a lock, every day, for the days of January. This is a good way to get in the consistent lockpicking practice, and challenge yourself to pick more difficult locks. You can find a longer explanation of the challenge in the blog released earlier this year. (

Picking a lock a day has helped me to get use to my new thick acrylic Moki handles, and taught me a few new picking tricks. As the month progressed, I attempted quite difficult locks, of which most didn’t open, at least not right away. For example, I’ve played an hour a day with a particular BKS, which still remains shut. When a lock didn’t open after a while, I frequently tried another lock, if not to keep the streak.

Walter picked a DOM, Pfaffenhain, Nemef, Mul-T-Lock, Wally, Anker, EVVA, ISEO, Gerda, CES, Ivana, Geba, Novoferm, Wilka, FF, Abus, Thirard, Yale, Vachette, Lips, Pratic, S2, Sobinco, Mauer, Corbin, BASI, VBH, Zeiss Ikon, Destil, Kale and an M&C.

On the other hand Jan-Willem picked the Kibb, Dom Sigma, Abus C83, MD, Anker, CAS, Gerda, Lockinox, Nemef, Pfaffenhain, Kraft, Nino, Gaba, (another) Lockinox, Bern, Yale, Axa, S, Era, UAP, Evva, M&C, F (can’t recall, federico? fred?), Iseo, Fake Assa 700, (2nd) gaba, corbin, mila, Ivana, Favour, and a SEZAM cylinder.

By Jan-Willem. Pictures CCYBY4.0 by Walter and Jan-Willem Toool Blackbag.

Progressive Disc detainer

Sunday, December 17th, 2023

In learning lockpicking try to get all advantage you can get. A good first step is to learn as much as possible about the lock. For example, You should disassemble and reassemble the lock a few times, but looking at pictures on the lpubelts or lockwiki are good options as well. The next step is to assemble the lock with fewer locking elements, pick it, and increase the difficulty after each success. This is a well understood practicing method for pin tumbler locks, call progressive pinning.

I’ve built several progressive locks for myself and for teaching lockpicking to others. Of some locks, I’ve got a keyed alike set. In this way, you can practice the locks without the (sometimes tedious) opening and reassembly of the locks. For the practice session, just work through the locks in the set.

For disc detainer locks we aren’t lucky as the locks don’t function well without all the elements. The locks consist of a stack of code discs and spacers and all live in a partially cut hollow tube. If you have several of the same lock, you can use the spacers from one lock to fill the progressive lock. This technique worked well for an attempt to pick the Rosengrens 32A81 lock.

Disassembled Rosengrens 32A81 Safe deposit box lock.

Dmac shows an clever alternative for regular disc detainers in this video. He is replacing part of the disc stack with a properly sized tube to take up the space of the missing discs. The tube allows the key to operate the lock and has enough movement to move freely and not impede the sidebar, but small enough so the sidebar doesn’t drop in the core. This is a clever trick which is certainly worth testing.

In this post, I propose an alternative solution which is more generic, and will most likely work for all disc detainer, lever, and wafer locks. I’ve designed a spacer to fill the lock. The spacer shape can often be reproduced from the original lock parts in most CAD packages within hours. As a proof of concept, I’ve designed the spacers for the Anchor Las and laser cut the parts at Hackerspace Bitlair in Amstersfoort.

My process is quite straight forward: Measure the part, design it in OpenCAD, determine the laser parameters, cut the part, test the part. Then adjust and repeat the steps until satisfied with the results. (Or when you run out of material/time/money, whatever comes first.) It is like CI/CD, but in hardware, with an iteration cycle of about five minutes.

In the table below, I’ve captured the measurements of the core from the Anchor Las 833-3 padlock.

Disc pack20.51 mm
Disc1.395 mm
Spacer0.5 mm (calculated)
Core13.92 mm
Sidebar1.97 mm
Key width5.1mm
Spacers stack0.5 mm + 0.28 mm
Anchor Las measurements with a micrometer.

Getting the dimensions into OpenSCAD isn’t too difficult. I did however reuse someone else’s code for a partial circle, which isn’t trivial in this scripting language. (The code will be on the bottom of the page)

Laser cutters are amazing machines, and I’m always excited when finding a new use for the tool. My go-to materials are acrylic, Delrin, and the occasional sheets of triplex. While, acrylic isn’t the most robust, it makes for great visualizations. POM (Delrin and Acetal are the brandnames) is an engineering plastic great for key gauges and other locksport tools. It also so happens to work great for lock replacement parts.

To get the part the correct size, we need to compensate for the kerf (laser cut width). While it can be measured, I chose to do trial and error: change the kerf compensation in the Lightburn laser software and measure the parts with a micrometer. After I was satisfied, I ran a small batch of a hundred rings, just so there are enough to play with for me and other community members.

At the hackerspace, we actively share lessons learned. For this one, I’ve found putting a sacrificial material below the Delrin greatly improved the cut quality. Half the power and speed, with two passes also worked well. The laser parameters are saved to the Bitlair wiki for others to use in the future.

Back home, I’ve assembled the lock with the spacers and found them to be slightly too large. The sandpaper took off the difference quite easily. After reassembly, the lock works great with the key and it’s hard to distinguish from a lock with a complete disc pack. (I see options for a trick lock).

I’m looking forward to picking it, and will have others play with the lock as well to gather feedback on how the parts affects picking. As I expect the Delrin spacer have noticeably more friction than metal on metal, it will likely be beneficial to keep code discs in between original spacers. Furthermore, the lock works fine without a shackle and won’t brick on you without one.

Above are the minimum parts required for a functional front tensioning training lock.

I’ve picked the lock a few times with six random code discs. This is nine spacers of 1mm thick, and six of each code disc and metal spacer. After which, I quickly progressed through the other configuration, and picked the unmodified lock an hour later. As the spacers are thinner than discs, I’ve used the remaining metal spacers to fill out the remaining space.

At the moment we do not have a repository of lock parts, but we will likely create one soon.
In the meantime, the script for OpenSCAD is attached below. When you create your own discs, please share them around.

// Ancher Las spacer V2.1
// 20231213 Jan-Willem CCBY4.0
// OpenSCAD 2021

// F5 render
// F6 generate
// Export as ...

$fn = 100;

projection() // make it flat
difference(){ // substract the keyhole and gate from the disc
    union(){ // create the disc
        cylinder(1.4,11.4/2,11.4/2, center = true);

        // code for a part of a circle
        radius = 13.2/2;
        angles = [35, 145];

        linear_extrude(1.4, center = true){
        points = [
            for(a = [angles[0]:1:angles[1]]) [radius * cos(a), radius * sin(a)]
            polygon(concat([[0, 0]], points));

    //key hole
    cylinder(1.4,7/2,7/2,, center = true);
    // gate
    cylinder(1.4,3/2,3/2, center = true);

Copyright CCBY4.0 Jan-Willem Markus, Toool NL

Dutch Open 2023 Pentathlon competition results

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

The Pentathlon competition is a series of five lock challenges sponsored and hosted by Parmakey. The competitors had to pick a pin tumbler, pick a dimple, impression a key, pick a safe lock, and pick a car lock. Twenty competitors joined the challenge.

Torsten won the competition with 52 points and won a Sparrows Vorax lockpickset, a book on historic keys. Decoder, with 50 points, won the second price and received a Sparrows Tuxedo Royale and a book on safe lock history. Robert won the third price with 42 points and received a Sparrows Tuxedo set, as well as a book on locksmithing history. All three also received a bottle of Nabucco wine.

Edit: 20240312
We were made aware of a mistake in the official competition results, and would like to correct this. After a remark from one of the participants on his missing opens in the official scores, ParmaKEY checked the papers and found there were two filled in papers which were missing in the official scoring. The table below is the updated scoring form, which now includes the scores from Jascha and Nitiflor.

With this new raking, Nitiflor has the well deserved second place. We decided not to change the original certificate and prizes, but to create an additional certificate with prizes for Nitiflor.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we will celebrate it with him the next time we meet.

Dulimex PRO-LINE challenge

Sunday, October 1st, 2023

Dulimex kindly sent us the new PRO-LINE padlocks as a lockpicking challenge. Picking these won’t be easy, as the padlock features a Tokoz Pro core with eight disks and a disk blocking system similar to Abloy Protec.

While it’s fun to spend days picking the lock, picking isn’t necessarily a realistic threat for your normal security needs. This Dulimex padlock achieved a SKG** rating. While it’ll not be indestructible, you have the assurance it’ll be at least a few minutes with a selection of power tools.

We received five locks from Dulimex for the challenge. The locks will be available at LockCon, and we will borrow them to pickers thereafter. If you are up for it, please send us a message.

At first glance, the core looks similar to the Abloy Protec. But there are quite a few notable differences. The Tokoz very cleverly uses the spacers to build up the core. The construction makes it difficult to reassemble the lock, so please keep them together.

Thanks everyone for giving me tips on picking these locks. The tips can be summarized as, to use dimple picks instead of a 2-in-1, unless one is custom-made for the Tokoz. Furthermore, the key guide can be twisted, which bricks the lock. When the lock is picked, then use a modified key to rotate the key guide, instead of forcing it from the front.

The best videos for the picking attempts are:

CCBY4.0 Jan-Willem Markus Toool Blackbag. I’ve added an archive of these pictures on the link below.

Cutaways, and lever locks

Monday, September 11th, 2023

When we teach lockpicking we usually revert to schematics of locks, and different models for demonstrating the functionality of locks. Usually required as the core functionality is well hidden, and not often observable in action. Multiple skilled machinists have made cutaway locks for the purpose of demonstrating the inner workings of real locks.

At one cutaway themed evening, we had over 50 unique cutaways on the table. From all brands and mechanisms. Some of which even the pins themselves were cutaway.

On an evening with impressioning, a member asked for some blanks to practice with. The call was answered by the keys below. Sadly, it’ll be very hard to find a corresponding lock for the key blanks, as in Europe we have thousands of unique keyways. Even though they all look a-like.

On another evening, we delved deep in lever locks, from your classic Chubb locks to high-end safes. A boroscope was brought as to try to decode some locks by belly reading the levers. E.g. to observe the scratches on the levers and determining the length of the butting making the scratches.

The WE30C also made its appearance, one night. The lock was used on pay phones, and is remarkably hard to lockpick due to the lever blocking system, shown in the top right. As torque is applied, the blocking system engages with the levers, making all levers bind up before the lever tests the gate.