Wendt lockpicking championship

On the 25th and 26th of March, Wendt organized a lockpicking championship in collaboration with SSDeV and ACL. Who is Wendt? They are creators and suppliers of locksmithing and lockpicking tools. They have a yearly house-fair to demonstrate the newest in locksmithing tools, and host competitions. This year’s event was specifically for the lockpicking community.

Wendt HQ in Bergheim, Germany. (Picture copyright Wendt.)

The main attraction is the German-style lockpicking competition. Where, in short, every competitor brings them own double euro pin tumbler cylinder. You’ll have to prove you can pick it yourself in five minutes to qualify. For each of the competitors locks, you get fifteen minutes for your picking attempt. Where the final score is decided by the person with the most opens in the least time.

For this year, a large variety of locks were present. Iseo, M&C, IX Saturn, IX-6, both Abus XP1 and Cisa SP, and Assa twin 2. Some of these, as you can imagine, are not opened often in fifteen minutes. This was felt as a setback by some, while others are encouraged to practice with even harder locks. Not to mention the endurance required to pick locks for over 5h straight.

Walter and Henri competed were in the competition from Toool. For Henri, it was his second lockpicking event. His video (YouTube) is worth it to watch if you are looking for encouragement to join a similar event. For photo’s of the lockpicking, please see the Facebook page of Wendt.

I’d like to share a few notes on a constructive discussion on how to run competitions. To some, the competitions at events like LockCon were too easy. People felt it was a competition in who can rake the locks, the fastest. Whereas, this event had rounds with very difficult locks, and few opens. There is a balance to be found is between the two systems. The comments are clear: give us harder locks to pick, but do give locks that are pickable in a reasonable time.

There was plenty of room to meet other lockpickers at the event, chat with the vendors, and join the side competitions. Han Fey had a very interesting challenge, where you are given a key ring and a box of locks. Where the goal was to match the most keys to the most locks in the least time. The catch is, you only got one chance. If the key didn’t fit, your attempt was over.

Just for fun, Jos and I competed in the electropicking competition and got 1st and 3rd place. The real star of the show are, of course, the electropicks Wendt sells. Truly amazing equipment.

On a side note, we call electropicking non-destructive as the locks remains functional. However, the repeated impact of the pick needle and the pins do create a lot of brass dust, as seen in the picture below.

To wrap up this post, it was great seeing so many old friends and to make new ones. Time well spent. Thanks, Sasha, and the Wendt team, for organizing this event!

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