
I am right now in Barcelona. Unfortunately the internet connection at the apartment we rented is broken, so this message is written from an internet cafe (and in a hurry) …

The good news is I met a local locksmith yesterday that gave me a ‘small present’ … A box containing 25 Kilograms of locks!

There are some real treasures in this big box, and when I am back in Amsterdam I will make some nice detailed images of some of them.

It contains lots of dimple locks, some ‘normal’ pin tumbler locks and also many lever locks! Real nice, real weird sometimes …

The blanks I brought with me cover 50% of the (pin tumbler) locks I received. Not a bad score. Tonight I will try to impression a few locks, and teach the friendly locksmiths the basics of impressioning….

3 Responses to “Barcelona”

  1. Andrew says:


    Thats awesome! I look forward to seeing your new locks! I think it’s really cool that you are going to teach them new skills!

  2. henk says:

    Neat!!!Now,if there is any problem carrying all these locks..I,ll be more than happy to help!!!!!
    It,s good to read about the kindness of fellow locksmiths!!

  3. Barry says:

    Andrew: I think I learned more from them, but yes, exchanging information is nice.

    Henk: It was a challenge to bring all the locks back home, especially as it increased to 55 Kg …. But I managed 😉