The king is dead, long live the king!


I am flabbergasted. To be honest I did not expect to win this year’s German impressioning games, simply because the lack of training and some of my German friends seemed very motivated to bring the title back to Germany. And Oliver Diederichsen did just that: in a record time of four minutes and twenty three seconds he managed to open the Abus C83 lock. Quite an achievement and very well done!

For me personally the games ended in pure drama. I lost my title in the worst possible way: without opening my lock at all!

A very strange experience as in the last year I barely ever had to use a second key, let alone a third one to open a lock (even when working under pressure). But hey, you can not win them all, and it is a good motivation to start serious practicing for the ‘Hacking At Random’ impressioning games later this year ….

I must say I am very happy Oliver won the games. Instead of keeping the watch I offered to the winner he decided to turn it into a challenge trophy that will change hands from game to game. Every time someone wins a game his or hers name will be engraved in a plaque that holds the watch. The winner has to safeguard the trophy and bring it to the next challenge. A great idea and a display of true sportsmanship!

Here the rest of the scores of the German Impressioning 2009 games:

1. Platz Oliver Diederichsen 04:23 SSDeV/Spg. HH
2. Platz Arthur Meister 12:25 SSDeV/Spg. HH
3. Platz Ingo Zschippang 15:20 SSDeV/Spg. HH
4. Platz Roland Geyer 16:31 SSDeV/Spg. Nürnberg
5. Platz Dr. Manfred Bölker 19:29 SSDeV/Spg. HH
6. Platz Gerhard Hepperle 27:10 SSDeV/Spg. Stuttgart
7. Platz Jens Andrews 42:51 SSDeV/Spg. HH
8. Platz Volker Löding 46:05 SSDeV/Spg. Stuttgart
9. Platz Jos Weyers 46:40 TOOOL NL
10. Platz Django 46:53 TOOOL NL
11. Platz Oliver Jans 52:09 SSDeV/Oelde

My congratulations to the winners and all that did manage to open the lock in under one hour!

5 Responses to “The king is dead, long live the king!”

  1. Henk says:

    Maybe I,m having problems with my eyes but Django ended before Jos witha difference of 5 seconds!!

  2. Henk says:

    Congratz Oliver a job well done!!Barry,with this attitude you show you,re a man of character,kudo,s!!
    Ofcourse it,s a pity your key didn,t open the lock but heh at HAR you will get the chance as well as all other participants!:-)

  3. David_Parker says:

    Nice job Mr. Wells.

  4. Walter says:

    Whoa!! Not what I expected AT ALL! Was it the pressure?

    But also congralations to Olli. He deserves it. And HAR2009 will be a nice setting to get three Dutch impressionists in the top-3 🙂

  5. Schuyler says:


    Well, Oliver is definitely a deserving champ, also glad he won it, and very happy to see Django & Jos on the list as well!