CSI using special light to make traces visible …

I am still busy trying to get better impressioning marks using ultraviolet light.

Below is a cartoon from a Dutch magazine, and CSI also seem to be using UV for better traces. It took me a little while to figure out the joke, but I think it is very funny. I just hope you have the same sense of humor ….

Har har ...

5 Responses to “CSI using special light to make traces visible …”

  1. henk says:

    hahaha,yes,very funny!!What problems do you have using UV light?

  2. henk says:

    I,ll rephrase my question,do you still have the same problems as in your first article on UV light?

  3. Jon D says:

    I wondered if it’d be any use with a bright blue LED and a red OHP pen?

    not the same thing but I was just playing with a cheap blue LED torch that was built into a cigarette lighter and it made some tiny scratches (from the garden) on the back of my hand that were barely visible in daylight stand out very clearly.

  4. urb anwriter says:

    very funny