“self impressioning” attack on the Abloy Protec?

Times are interesting. It is busy, but mostly with things I really enjoy doing. So fear not if you did not see a posting for a little while here 🙂

Still working on my LockCon posting but in the meantime an interesting link came in I could not just let pass by. An interesting video on what seems a ‘self impressioning’ attack on the Abloy Protec lock!

I will examine it more closely over the weekend but for now just wanted to share it with you … seems very interesting and very promising! Enjoy the video!

13 Responses to ““self impressioning” attack on the Abloy Protec?”

  1. jos weyers says:

    But how is he going to apply the red paint if the lock isn’t a cutaway¿?

    If the paint is actually needed (and otherwise he wouldn’t have used it) it’s not really selfimpressioning.
    Kinda like decoding a S&G with a see-through casing.

    (still, cool tool)

  2. elphreaker says:

    Very interesting! But… That red paint that seams to mark the aligned position of the discs with the key doesn’t make much sense if you are DECODING, anyhow, the tool is very cool, but with a cutaway it doesn’t prove that it is self-impressionable.

    PS:I received a Protec two days ago, and I have been messing around with it 😀

  3. Raf says:

    Looks cool

    Is there a better picture of the tool itself?

  4. Julian says:

    The red paint is only to show the progression during the show.

    Some people know that I have seen a lot of protecs and all their parts in detail, and impressioning was one of my many thoughts about opening them. At least I can imagine it’s working. I can’t see it really good at the video, but if this cylinder is from a masterkey-system, it’s a bit easier of course, or maybe only quicker.

  5. Ric says:

    so I assume the non blocked disks can move up slightly, not so for blocked discs, so the pins under them are pushed down, neat. I can see that working for a lot of other disc tumbler locks. Am I right in thinking this is how they are picked?

  6. mh says:

    I actually had something like this on my must-try-before-Sneek-this-year-and-then-make-a-presentation-list, but of course it would not have worked out… Now with this encouragement I’m sure it must be reproducible 🙂

  7. Walter says:

    @ Ric: I believe you are thinking of wafer disc tumbler locks, which move up and down, like a tool box lock or a car door lock. The lock in the video is a disc detainer lock where a set of discs rotates independent of each other like the wheels in a safe lock. Unlike a safe where you usually turn left-right-left, the key turns all discs in the same direction, but the angle cuts on the key only pull each disc x degrees along an arc. Once the gates are aligned on all discs, a sidebar is allowed to occupy that gate space and that allows the lock to turn past 90 degrees and operate the cam in the back.

  8. Lockpicker says:

    Seems like the rotating blocking system is’nt accurate enough. This will mean that a true or false gate is still possible to recognice, thougt the blocking system… VERY interresting!

  9. NKT says:

    I remain unconvinced. If you watch carefully, it seems that the lock never turns any further than it did at the start, until it opens. And if you look at the discs, they never seem to turn any further than the first available gate position either. What this seems to mean to me, is that the set of discs was carefully chosen to have no anti-pick notches before the opening point.

    Not to say it may not work with a regular lock, of course.

  10. Ric says:

    I do understand the operating principle, I was thinking that this attack exploits the tolerances in this lock(each dick can move ~0.05 mm in it’s housing though now that you mention it I guess he’s actually turning the self impressioning portion of the key (i thought the second lever pushed it upwards slightly towards the sidebar).

  11. coccinaile says:

    Hello, what do you think about that : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UO6aN9xiDio

  12. Eric Michaud says:


    It’s unclear what the tool is doing if anything. Also the video, even with the wonderful after effect stars, doesn’t show if the cylinder is tampered with.

    Do you have any better links to share with the group?